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ENL Connect, the dedicated portal for ENL employees
Your ENL Privilege Card

As an ENL employee you benefit from special deals and discounts at over 50 outlets in Mauritius, from restaurants to fashion items to events.

20% off on Helios ECO / Green collection & 5% off adult sunglasses
20% off optic frames at Patel Optics & 25% off sunglasses
10% discount on all purchases above Rs1000 at Symfolia Pépinière
30% off on spa treatments at Seven Colours Spas of Veranda Resorts
30% off entry fee and monthly individual fee at Synergy Sport & Wellness Institute
10% off wines, spirits and champagne at Eastern Trading
8% discount on all menu items at Ocean Basket
10% off Mauritian price at Heritage Resorts & Beachcomber Hotels
*Terms & Conditions Apply
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*For ENL Employees only!
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