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We grow sugar cane on most of our agricultural land, ranking among the largest cane growers in Mauritius. A significant part of our resources also goes into chicken and deer farming, food crop and ornamental plants production, as well as in the provision of landscaping services and trade in agro-supplies.

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  • 217,032 tonnes
  • 2,000 tonnes
  • Rs 1.2 bn revenue
    IN FY 2024
  • Rs 403 m profit after tax
    IN FY 2024

We produce chicken for Avipro, a related company belonging to the Eclosia group and owner of the popular Chantecler brand. Our production averages 3,000 tonnes per year. 

We are also deer farmers. In addition to that, Rogers subsidiary Agrïa produces fresh meat and related products from livestock bred in the natural environment of in Bel Ombre. Agrïa is driving the transformation of Bel Ombre into an agri-tourism destination. 

Food Crop

We supply a choice of safe and healthy vegetables to the island's hotels, restaurants and supermarkets. Our produce is grown following the principles of responsible agriculture, both in open fields and in shade houses. These products are marketed under the Field Good brand.

Through Agrex, we are fast growing into a reliable strategic partner for the agricultural community in Mauritius. We provide a range of agro-supplies, sourced from trusted suppliers around the world, to the planter community. 

Agrïa, formerly known as the Bel Ombre Estate, produces a mix of fruits and vegetables, palm-hearts and the unique Café de Chamarel. Agrïa’s high-quality products are enjoyed by both tourists and locals. They are also readily available in their online store.


We are a market leading supplier of landscaping services through ESP Landscapers. The company is positioned as a one-stop shop for all things landscaping. It designs, creates and maintains bespoke gardens tailored to the specific needs and tastes of the client. ESP Landscapers' clientele includes hotels, resorts, residential estates, commercial and business facilities as well as private homeowners.


We are a major supplier of ornamental plants to the landscaping industry. Symfolia Pépinière grows a vast collection of tropical, flowering and non-flowering as well as fruit bearing plants over 25 acres in Moka and in Savanna. Agrïa also grows more than 400 species of endemic and exotic plants over 34 hectares of shade houses, potting and hardening areas, and open grounds in Bel Ombre. Instant lawn remains its flagship product.

Sugar cane

ENL is a major sugar cane producer. We grow cane on some 60% of our agricultural lands. The recent increase in the price of bagasse, a cane by-product used as combustible to produce electricity, has contributed to improve the overall outlook for the sugar cane industry. ENL Agri has taken the cue to accelerate the renewal of its crops and to modernise its field operations. 

The leaders in our agribusiness segment