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Frequently Asked Questions

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Does ENL have a holding company?

ENL Limited is the holding company of the ENL Group. It is listed on the Official market of the Stock Exchange of Mauritius. You will find more information on the Company here

In which market segments is ENL engaged?

ENL is involved on seven served markets: land & investment, agribusiness, real estate, commerce & manufacturing, hospitality, logistics and finance & technology.

How does ENL create value for its stakeholders?

Enabling possibilities. ENL is all about the potential and opportunities that the future holds. This sense of possibility is what drives us. It sustains our spirit of enterprise, fuels our appetite for innovation. It is what makes us stay agile and contemporary. We see the products and services we bring to the market as conduits for possibilities to shape up. We believe that the ethics and commitment with which we engage in business are catalysts that make those possibilities happen. Possibilities for customers to experience the lifestyle they aspire for; for talents to grow to their full potential. Possibilities for our country to reach out to better tomorrows.

To enable ENL’s growth, CAP26 commits the group to:

5 strategic focus areas:

  • Employee experience
  • Customer experience
  • Sustainable practices
  • Operational efficiency
  • Business growth

ENL's sustainability roadmap towards 2030, reflects a strong conviction that an inclusive and more environmentally friendly world is essential for the long-term prosperity of our businesses:

  • Achieve energy transition
  • Sustain a harmonious Mauritian lifestyle
  • Uphold social inclusion
  • Restore and protect biodiversity
  • Champion a conscious value chain

Please refer to our value creation model for more information.

Who are the auditors of ENL?

Independent audits of the Group’s and Company’s separate financial statements are performed by Ernst & Young. They also report on the extent of compliance with the National Code of Corporate Governance (2016). ENL Limited provides internal audit services to its subsidiaries, to the exception of the Rogers Group.

How many employees does the ENL Group employ?

Today, ENL employs a versatile team of more than 7,000 employees and is actively engaged in most sectors of the national economy.

What are the ENL values and how does the Company adhere to those?

In the relentless pursuit of sustainable value creation,

  • WE CONNECT. We listen and we are close to our stakeholders. We are relevant to their needs.
  • WE INNOVATE. We lead change and constantly embrace new ideas. We inspire.
  • WE COMMIT. We are passionate about success. We perform to the highest standards.
Where can I obtain the Group structure of the ENL Group?

You can access the group structure here

Who are the bankers of the ENL Group?

The bankers of the Group are listed in the Corporate information section of the integrated report

Who makes up the ENL Group leadership team and Board of Directors?

Please click to see the Board of directors and Leadership team

What are the brands proposed by the Group?

ENL brings to the market more than 120 brands created or distributed by about 100 subsidiaries. Please find more about our proposed brands here.

What are the strategic objectives of the Group?

Our strategic objective enjoins us to grow ENL's operating cash flows through high-performance teams that develop our businesses and create shared long-term value.

Where can I obtain further information on the ENL Group?

The corporate website contains a variety of links to information about ENL or on the other hand. Furthermore, our Investor Relations team is available on (230) 404 9500 or investors@enl.mu.

How does the ENL Group adhere to its Corporate Social Responsibility?

ENL’s strategy to build its social and relationship capital is driven by the ENL Foundation and Rogers Foundation. Philanthropy and sponsorship are additional instruments we use to support our positioning as a responsible and enabling corporate citizen. We invest our time, expertise and financial resources to support the growth of vibrant and sustainable local communities. In addition to economic and social resilience, we are a keen supporter of sports as a means to achieve good health and well-being. We are also actively engaged in raising public awareness about environmental threats.

Learn more by visiting our impact homepage and the driving impact section of our integrated report

When does ENL's fiscal year end?

The fiscal year end is on 30 June.

Where can I find information about ENL's policies?

Information about ENL's policies can be found here.

Get in touch
For more information about investing in ENL Limited, our Investor Relations Specialist are here to help.
Sandra Fayolle
T +230 404 9500