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June 30, 2018

Social Media Day - Meet Sanjana, our Social Media Specialist !

Social media has revolutionised how we talk to each other around the world. That calls for at least a day of recognition, doesn’t it?

So, here’s Social Media Day (30 June) and here am I, Sanjana, Social Media Specialist at ENL Corporate Services, inviting you to take a sneak peek at how I go about facilitating this conversation for the ENL group.

When I tell people what I do for a living, they tend to think that I get paid to sit around surfing Facebook all day, checking, scrolling, commenting or liking posts. While that's true to some extent, I'm doing much more than browsing through posts or cyber-stalking. Social media isn’t just a job for me, it’s my way of life.


On any typical day, I spend: 

  • 35% of my time listening to and engaging in online conversations (I know, people are weird),

  • 25% of my working hours researching and planning strategies (and drinking lots of coffee),

  • 20% of my time creating and curating content (and running ads),

  • 10% of my working day on collaborating with the team (and chasing clients), and

  • 10% of my time on analytics (making sense out of boring statistics.

While working on social media may sound like an awesome job, it may easily turn out to be the most stressful job. You have absolutely no room for errors because you are talking to the world as a brand. This entails a big responsibility and I cannot allow even the slightest of stress from my daily routine to jeopardise my work.

Here are a few tricks that see me through the day: 

  • I start work with a clear goal in mind and a strategy and plan to achieve it.
  • I get away from the computer screen every so often to clear my mind and give my eyes a chance to rest.
  • I review my work regularly, take stock of success, admit failure if any and adjust.
  • I allocate time to staying connected and up to date on the latest happenings in the field.
  • I readily give in to irritation (often) and panic (sometimes), but then, take a deep breath and carry on with the work!
  • I know that data is what sets me free. I, therefore, embrace it!
  • I Find allies, advocates, and volunteers to help.
  • I make sure that I tick the 3 P’s every single day: Passion, Patience, and Persistence.
  • I get co-workers involved online.
  • I research other brands “doing it right” for inspiration.
  • I plan a monthly detox from social media. Taking a short break is beneficial.

When I'm not running ads or scrolling, I'm writing proposals, strategy documents, and presentations, forging relationships with influencers or reading digital marketing blogs. And of course, when I’m not in the office, you’ll find me on the social networks!

About the author

As Social Media Specialist, Sanjana Jhumun strives to increase the overall impact of ENL Group in the social sphere. She’s responsible for strategy, copywriting, content creation and tracking analytics for ENL brands’ social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

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